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Home > Help Centre > Contact Us
Contact Us

If you have a problem, these links may help:

  • Problem with a Delivery
    If you have a problem with a delivery please email us.

  • Need to update account details or check billing details?
    The my account page allows you to update your own account and check your billing information and personal preferences.

  • Do you want to cancel your We Deliver Local account?
    Please email us.

For Customer Services, we make it easy for you to contact us:

  • By Email.
    You can email customer services at any time. We have a dedicated team of customer services agents who will be able to answer any questions that you may have. All queries will get a dedicated and personal reply and we always aim to get back to you within 24 hours.

  • By Mail.
    You can write to us at:
    Sherwood House
    9 West Street
    Cheshire CW12 1JN

Do you have a business or marketing query?

We are always interested in hearing from potential business partners about developing new revenue opportunities.

If you would like more information on the company or have a particular strategy or idea that you think may be of interest to us then please contact us including any relevant information.

You can email us here